What Does Mys Mean - Three Types: Cardiac, Smooth, and Muscular In all forms, muscle makes up about half of your body weight.

4 Muscles In some ways, these three types of muscles are similar. All muscle cells are elongated. So they are all called muscle fibers. The ability to contract depends on two types of myofilaments (actin and myosin) Terminology - myo and mys mean muscle; sarco means meat

What Does Mys Mean

What Does Mys Mean

7 The heart muscle The heart muscle is found in only one place in the body - the heart beats irregularly arranged in a spiral, or in figure 8, the bundles of myocardial fibers are branched cells connected by special connections called intercalated discs, which contract at a constant rate, but the heart. it can also stimulate the nervous system into high gear for a short period of time

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8 Heart Muscle CopyrightThe McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Consent is required for publication or display. The mechanism of activation in cardiac muscle is similar to that in skeletal and smooth muscle, but with some differences. The heart muscle has transverse tubules that deliver more calcium and can contract for longer periods of time. Complex membrane junctions, called intercalated discs, connect cells and transfer energy for repair from one cell to another, as well as aid in the rapid movement of connections throughout the heart. The heart muscle is exciting and rhythmic, and the whole structure is consistent as a unit.

One layer is usually round and the other is long. As these two parts interact and relax, change the size and shape of the organ, there are no contraction lines, stable and tireless contractions are found in the walls of hollow organs such as the stomach, urinary tract and respiratory tract.

CopyrightThe McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is required to draw or display. Smooth muscle Smooth muscle cells are elongated, slender-ended, lack striations, and have an unstructured sarcoplasmic reticulum. Two types of smooth muscle In multi-unit smooth muscle, such as blood vessels and the iris of the eye, the fibers occur separately, not in sheets. Visceral smooth muscles are found in sheets and are found in the walls of hollow organs; these fibers can mutually stimulate and exhibit rhythmicity and thus cause peristalsis in hollow organs and tubes.

CopyrightThe McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is required to draw or display. The mechanism of binding myosin to actin is very similar to that of smooth muscle and muscle. Both acetylcholine and noradrenaline stimulate and inhibit muscle relaxation, depending on the target muscle. Hormones can also stimulate or inhibit contractions. Smooth muscle contracts and relaxes more slowly than skeletal muscle, but can contract for a longer time using the same amount of ATP.

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Striated (appears to have lines) voluntarily the largest type of muscle fiber contracts quickly and with great force, but tires easily and needs to rest after a short period of work.

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